Lectures on 2-D gravity and 2-D string theory

emphasis is on 2d target space (c=1 coupled to gravity). Contents: 0. Introduction, Overview, and Purpose 1. Loops and States in Conformal Field Theory 2. 2D Euclidean Quantum Gravity I: Path Integral Approach 3. Brief Review of the Liouville Theory 4. 2D Euclidean Quantum Gravity II: Canonical Approach 5. 2D Critical String Theory 6. Discretized surfaces, matrix models, and the continuum limit 7. Matrix Model Technology I: Method of Orthogonal Polynomials 8. Matrix Model Technology II: Loops on the Lattice 9. Matrix Model Technology III: Free Fermions from the Lattice 10. Loops and States in Matrix Model Quantum Gravity 11. Loops and States in the $c=1$ Matrix Model 12. Fermi Sea Dynamics and Collective Field Theory 13. String scattering in two spacetime dimensions 14. Vertex Operator Calculations and Continuum Methods 15. Achievements, Disappointments, Future Prospects if you read only one set of lecture notes this year, don't read these.