A General Purpose Data and Query Privacy Preserving Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are composed of a large number of spatially distributed devices equipped with sensing technology and interlinked via radio signaling. A WSN deployed for monitoring purposes can provide a ubiquitous view over the monitored environment. However, the management of collected data is very resource-consuming and raises security and privacy issues. In this paper, we propose a privacy preserving protocol for collecting aggregated data from WSNs. The protocol relies on the Onion Routing technique to provide uniformly distributed network traffic and confine the knowledge a foreign actor can gain from monitoring messages traveling the network. Our solution employs the computing power of nodes in the network by conveying them general-purpose computer code for in-situ processing and aggregation of data sourcing from multiple sensor nodes. We complement our work with a simulation of the proposed solution using the network simulator ns-3. Results of the simulation give an overview of the scalability of the solution and highlight potential constraints.

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