Service-oriented weapon systems of system portfolio selection method
Weapon system portfolio selection is an important combinatorial problem that arises in various applications, such as weapons development planning and equipment procurement, which are of concern to military decision makers. However, the existing weapon system-of-systems (SoS) is tightly coupled. Because of the diversity and connectivity of mission requirements, it is difficult to describe the direct mapping relationship from the mission to the weapon system. In the latest service-oriented research, the introduction of service modules to build a service-oriented, flexible, and combinable structure is an important trend. This paper proposes a service-oriented weapon system portfolio selection method, by introducing service to serve as an intermediary to connect missions and system selection, and transferring the weapon system selection into the service portfolio selection. Specifically, the relation between the service and the task is described through the service-task mapping matrix; and the relation between the service and the weapon system is constructed through the servicesystem mapping matrix. The service collaboration network to calculate the flexibility and connectivity of each service portfolio is then established. Through multi-objective programming, the optimal service portfolios are generated, which are further decoded into weapon system portfolios.