Costs and Benefits of Bycatch Reduction Devices in European Brown Shrimp Trawl Fisheries

Discarding of juvenile fish is a wellrecognised problem in shrimp fisheries. In manycases, these fish are commercial species that,if not caught, could increase the productivityof other fisheries. In January 2003, Europeanlegislation was implemented by Member Statesrequiring all vessels fishing for brown shrimpto use selective trawls in order to minimisethe bycatch of other commercial species. Incomplying with the regulations, however, thecatch rate of the target species (the shrimp)is likely to be reduced. In this paper, we usea bioeconomic model to assess the impact ofbycatch reduction devices on fishing effort,catch and profitability in the European Crangon fisheries. The potential benefits (interms of higher future yields and consequentlyhigher profits) to the white-fish fisheries arealso estimated. From the model results, theregulation is expected to result in a netreduction in the profitability of the shrimpfishers. However, the benefits to thewhite-fish fishers is expected to more thanoffset this cost, resulting in an overall netbenefit.

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