Region-based Segmentation of Social Images Using Soft KNN Algorithm

Abstract Social image data is very useful to solve many real world problems. In this paper, a novel soft classification approach is proposed to deal with the problem of vision segmentation in social networks. Proposed approach is inspired by the k-nearest neighbour and soft classification concepts. K-nearest neighbour is one of the popular and simplest classification algorithms. Soft classification has provision for assigning more than one class label to a single object. Here, soft classification concept is incorporated in k-nearest neighbour algorithm to detect the ambiguous regions of the image. Experimentation is carried out on the images collected from social networks. Three social image datasets i.e. synthetic, standard and real-world are used. Proposed approach performed much better as compared to the traditional k-nearest neighbour approach. It is useful for accomplishing various tasks like fashion analysis, emotion detection, event detection, etc. through object detection and recognition.