Immunolocalization of freezing-tolerance-associated proteins in the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm of wheat crown tissues.

A protein family associated with the development of freezing tolerance in wheat has been identified. This protein family is Gramineae-specific and coordinately regulated by low temperature. Antibodies directed against the 50 kDa (WCS120) protein recognize at least 5 members of this family. Using these antibodies, the cellular content and location of this protein family was determined in cold-acclimated wheat seedlings. Western analyses of subcellular fractions indicated the presence of all members of the family in the cytosolic and purified nuclear fractions. These proteins accumulated to 0.9% of soluble proteins after 21 days of cold acclimation in winter wheat. This represents a cellular concentration of 1.34 microM. Immunohistochemical localization showed that these proteins are highly expressed in the vascular transition zone. No detectable expression was found in mature xylem, in the shoot apical meristem or lateral root primordia. This differential tissue expression suggests that the sensitive cells near the regions where water tends to freeze first require a higher amount of these proteins. This observation is consistent with the fact that regrowth after freezing stress is highly dependent on the viability of this region of the crown. Electron microscopy analysis using immunogold labelling showed that these proteins are present in the cytoplasm and in the nucleoplasm. They are not found in cell walls or other organelles. In vitro cryoprotective assays indicated that the WCS120 protein (PD50 of 10 micrograms ml-1 or 0.2 microM) are as effective as BSA and sucrose (at 250 mM) against freezing denaturation of lactate dehydrogenase. These results suggest that this protein family may be involved in a general mechanism of protection in the soluble fraction of the cell. Their presence in the nucleoplasm may also suggest a possible protective function of the transcriptional machinery. The high hydrophilicity, the abundance and stability of these proteins to boiling suggest that they may provide a particular micro-environment needed for cell survival in the sensitive vascular transition zone during freezing stress.