Performance of a novel NMR apparatus with a solenoidal tape-shaped antenna and a split-type superconducting magnet

Since 2003, the authors have been developing a new configuration NMR that consists of a solenoid-type antenna and a split-type superconducting magnet to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The SNR (standard 0.1% ethylbenzene) of the system reached 9,850 in 2009. Refinement of the radiofrequency components, which include an antenna coil, a low-temperature preamplifier, and a signal switch, led to a reduction in the system noise. In this study, the line shape of the spectrum was improved by reducing the residual magnetization of the antenna coil using a low-magnetic sheet laminated with a tungsten sheet and a copper sheet. The measured SNR showed a good agreement with the predicted value, and the result shows the validity of this approach to improve the SNR based on the theoretical prediction. In this article, the outline and the performance of the NMR system are reported. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Concepts Magn Reson Part B (Magn Reson Engineering) 43B: 79-89, 2013