Competitive intelligence
Explains the importance of corporate documents in competitive intelligence and outlines the data that can be extracted from the different types. Demonstrates their use in understanding the industry in which the company operates, differentiating between voluntary disclosure and documents demanded by law. Explains the use of the Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum & Articles of Association and the Annual Return. Details the intelligence that can be gleaned from a company’s annual report, including the use of the directors’ report, balance sheet, profit & loss account, cash flow statement, notes to the financial statements and auditor’s report. Outlines the disclosure requirements for companies quoted on stock exchanges, and also reviews ad hoc company filings such as company renamings, registered office address change, appointments and resignations of directors, changes in directors’ personal details, and any pledge of a company’s assets as security for a loan or credit. Shows how such data gathering can be systematically planned and future orientated, even in smaller organizations. Points out that effective use of such disparate pieces of data for CI purposes requires both welldeveloped research skills and an awareness of the business implications of the data found.