Impact of high-speed draw frame and its preparatory on packing and related characteristics of ring spun yarn

Impact of draw frame delivery speed, coiler diameter of carding machine and card draft on packing density of yarn and related characteristics of ring spun yarn have been found to be very significant. With the increase in draw frame speed and coiler diameter of card, there is a decrease in helix twist, helix angle, helix diameter with the consequent increase in yarn packing density. However, with the increase in card draft, both helix twist and helix angle increase up to a certain level, whereas helix diameter increases steadily; the yarn packing density shows a decreasing trend. Yarn packing density is always higher at the middle position of the fibre than at the position of trailing or leading hooks. However, coefficient of variation (CV%) of yarn packing density at the centre position of fibre is the lowest followed by leading position and trailing position of the fibre.