Effects of magnetic fields on fibrinolysis

In this study, we investigated the possible effects of magnetic fields on the fibrinolytic process. Fibrin dissolution was observed and the fibrinolytic activities were evaluated. First, fibrinolytic processes in magnetic fields were investigated by the fibrin plate method. We gathered solutions from the dissolved fibrin, and measured mean levels of fibrin degradation products (FDPs) in solutions. Mean levels of FDPs exposed to 8 T magnetic fields were higher than those not exposed to fields. Second, we carried out an experiment to understand how fibrin oriented in a magnetic field dissolves. FDPs in solutions of dissolved fibrins in fibrin plates were assayed. The result was that fibrin gels formed in a magnetic field at 8 T were more soluble than those not formed in a magnetic field. A model based on the diamagnetic properties of macromolecules was explained, and changes of protein concentrations in a solution in gradient magnetic fields were predicted.