Making Islam Democratic: Social Movements and the Post-Islamist Turn

CONTENTS Abbreviations xxx Chronology xxx Preface xxx 1 Islam and Democracy: Perverse Charm of an Irrelevant Question 1 2 Revolution without Movement, Movement without Revolution: Islamist Activism in Iran and Egypt (1960s-1980s) 000 3 The Making of a Post-Islamist Movement: Social Movements and Socio-Political Change in Iran, 1980-1997 000 4 Post-Islamism in Power: Dilemmas of Reform Project, 1997-2004 000 5 Egypt's 'Passive Revolution': The State and the Fragmentation of Islamism (1992-2005) 000 6 The Politics of Presence: Imagining a Post-Islamist Democracy 000 Reference Matter 000 Persian and Arabic Journals Cited 000 Notes 000 Bibliography 000 Index 000