Sustainability Analysis of Beef Cattle Farm Business in Langsa Baro Subdistrict, Langsa City

—This study aims to analyse the sustainability of beef cattle farming business in Langsa Baro Subdistrict, Langsa City. The location of the study was determined deliberately (purposive sampling) with the consideration that Langsa Baro Subdistrict is the sub-district with the largest number of farmer groups in Langsa City. The scope of this research is based on 4 aspects, namely economic aspects, ecological aspects, socio-cultural aspects, and aspects of cultivation conditions. The results showed the sustainability value of beef cattle farming in Langsa Baro Subdistrict, Langsa City with the percentage of farmers who have a sustainability value of 16-20 by 13% and farmers who have a sustainability value of 11-15 by 87%. This means that as many as 87% of farmers have a beef cattle farming business with moderate sustainability criteria and as many as 13% of farmers have a beef cattle farming business with very sustainable criteria (very sustainability).