Atlas of coronary artery disease

Part 1 Anatomy of the coronary arteries: coronary artery anatomy anatomy of the epicardial arteries terminology and its problems microstructure of the epicardial arteries. Part 2 Atherosclerosis - the process: definitions atherosclerosis - plaque morphology atherosclerosis - the initiation phase atherosclerosis - the evolution state and core creation endothelial status over plaques smooth muscle proliferation collagen and the plaque fibrinogen and plaque evolution calcification adventitial inflammation and vascularization infectious agents and atherosclerosis atherosclerosis and clinical symptoms mechanisms of thrombosis and atherosclerosis. Part 3 The acute ischemic syndromes and coronary disease progression: acute myocardial infarction plaque disruption and acute regional infarction endothelial erosion and acute regional infarction unstable angina atherosclerotic disease progression acute ischemic syndromes - the myocardial lesions ischemic ventricular aneurysms. Part 4 Stable angina: measurement of coronary stenosis morphology of stenosis in stable angina mechanisms of production of chronic stenosis - compensatory dilation variations of coronary atherosclerosis nonlipid containing atherosclerosis graft vascular disease post angioplasty and atherectomy restenosis nonatherosclerotic coronary artery disease coronary artery fistulae.