Image-Based Multiscale Shape Description Using Gaussian Filter

In shape recognition, a multiscale description provides more information about the object, increases discrimination power and immunity to noise. In this paper, we develop a new multiscale Fourier-based object description in 2-D space using a low-pass Gaussian filter (LPGF) and a high-pass Gaussian filter (HPGF), separately. Using the LPGF, at different scales, represents the inner and central part of an object more than the boundary. On the other hand using the HPGF, at different scales, represents the boundary and exterior parts of an object more than the central part. Our algorithms are also organized to achieve size, translation and rotation invariance. Evaluation indicates that representing the boundary and exterior parts more than the central part using the HPGF performs better than the LPGF based multiscale representation, and in comparison to Zernike moments and elliptic Fourier descriptors with respect to increasing noise.

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