The goal of this article is to present a detailed analysis of the complement structure of perception verbs such as video and audio. We will propose a syntactic analysis of aocusativue oum partiaipio and aaousativus cum infinitivo which interacts with certain semantic observations regarding these two constructs. This p£ per, which is part of a more comprehensive study on the infinitival construction in Latin, moves within Chomsky's theory, in particular within its recent model (see Chomsky 1980) which seems to provide a new and valid approach even for Latin grammatical problems It is generally accepted that the use of these two types of com plements expresses different meanings, even if, in general, this semantical distinction has not been strictly observed because of the absence of a well-developed participial system, expecially as regards the present participle. Thus, sentences such as: (1) eum vidi dieaedentem (2) eum audivi aanentem
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Ausführliche Grammatik der lateinischen Sprache
R. Hudson.
English complex sentences;: An introduction to systemic grammar
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The Proper Treatment of Quantification in Ordinary English
Noam Chomsky,et al.
वाक्यविन्यास का सैद्धान्तिक पक्ष = Aspects of the theory of syntax
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Events, processes, and states
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Irregularity In Syntax