HNN extensions of inverse semigroups, where the associated inverse subsemigroups are order ideals of the base, are defined by means of a construction based upon the isomorphism between the categories of inverse semigroups and inductive groupoids. The resulting HNN extension may conveniently be described by an inverse semigroup presentation, and we determine when an HNN extension with finitely generated or finitely presented base is again finitely generated or finitely presented. Our main results depend upon properties of the -preorder in the associated subsemigroups. Let S be a finitely generated inverse semigroup and let U, V be inverse subsemigroups of S, isomorphic via φ: U → V, that are order ideals in S. We prove that the HNN extension S*U,φ is finitely generated if and only if U is finitely -dominated. If S is finitely presented, we give a necessary and suffcient condition for S*U,φ to be finitely presented. Here, in contrast to the theory of HNN extensions of groups, it is not necessary that U be finitely generated.
Akihiro Yamamura.
HNN Extensions of Inverse Semigroups and Applications
Int. J. Algebra Comput..
Amalgamation and inverse and regular semigroups
The Fundamental Groupoid of a Graph of Groups
P. J. Higgins.
Notes on categories and groupoids
HNN extensions of inverse semigroups and groupoids
Graphs of Groups: Word Computations and Free Crossed Resolutions
T. Jajcayová.
HNN extensions of inverse semigroups
Mario Petrich,et al.
Inverse semigroups
Bass–Serre Theory for Groupoids and the Structure of Full Regular Semigroup Amalgams
A. Yamamura.
Locally full HNN extensions of inverse semigroups
Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society.