Business Ethics: Case Studies and Selected Readings

Unit I Individual values and the business organization: A. Employee Conflicts of Interest. B. Inappropriate Gifts. C. Security of Company Records. D. Personal Honesty. Unit II Individual rights and the business organization: A. Corporate Due Process. B. Employee Screening. C. Employee Privacy. D. Sexual Harassment. E. Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity. F. Employment at Will. G. Whistle-Blowing. H. Employee Rights. I. Comparable Worth. Unit III Business operations: A. Financial and Cash Management Procedures. B. Conflicts Between the Corporation's Ethical Code and Business Practices in Foreign Countries. C. Unauthorized Payments to Foreign Officials. D. Workplace Safety. E. Plant Closures and Downsizing. F. Environmental Issues. G. Purchasing: Conflicts and Bribery. Unit IV Business and its competition: A. Advertising Content. B. Appropriation of Others' Ideas. C. Product Pricing. Unit V Business and its product: A. Contract Relations. B. Product Safety. C. Product Quality. D. Customer Privacy. Unit VI Business and its stakeholders: A. Shareholders' Interests. B. Executive Salaries. C. Corporate Contributions. D. Social Issues. E. Public Disclosure and Relations. Unit VII Business and government: A. Government Employees. B. Government Contracts. C. Government Responsibilities.