Animated Pedagogical Agent Courseware On Photosynthesis For School Kids
Courseware can be called learning, teaching and course materials which is something important in ICT world today in helping the learners to improve their knowledge and skills. As a need or Projek Sarjana Muda (PSM), the paper will explain rationale behind the project development for Interactive Agent Pedagogical Agent on Photosynthesis for School Kids age 10-12 years old. The explanation is about the early stage development until implementation stage. The objectives for this courseware is to integrate multimedia element to help learners more understanding and to improve the technique of learning from books to courseware where combining the teaching concept through this courseware. This courseware will be used for school kids' age 10-12 years old and will be developed using Macromedia Flash 8 as a stage in developing and presenting in Windows platform. Interactive Animated Pedagogical Agent on Photosynthesis for School Kids will be developed based on the syllabus of Minister of Education which it focuses on the science topic which is Photosynthesis. The topic will be presented in 3 modules which are the introduction of the photosynthesis, how it works and the process happen during photosynthesis. To built this courseware. The explanation is focus on ADDIE model as it will be used as methodology because there are including fives phases which are analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The explanation also about the beginning of the project, the collection data is recognized by doing the fact and finding based on domain that related to the topic which is courseware. In this project, hardware and software requirement also will be explained. After that, designing storyboard will be produced and the interface will be documented in this paper at the explanation in design phase. After project being implemented, the testing will do to get the feedback from the user.