Experimente zur Bestimmung der zeitabhängigen Materialeigenschaften des Parodontalligaments. Experiments to Determine Time-dependent Material Properties of the Periodontal Ligament

The periodontal ligament is a tissue that attaches the tooth (root) to its alveolar socket, and thus plays an important role in the regulation of tooth movements. Detailed knowledge of the material properties of the periodontal ligament is therefore essential to an understanding of tooth reaction to forces applied during orthodontic treatment. A knowledge of material parameters can also be used in simulations of long-term tooth movements with the aim of improving orthodontic treatment. To this end, this study investigated time-dependent material properties, namely the hysteresis behaviour of the periodontal ligament under constant-velocity loading, the influence of loading velocity on the hysteresis, and its failure under constant loading. Specimens obtained from pigs were used for testing purposes, and the experiments were conducted in a special test setup using a material testing device. The material behaviour of the periodontal ligament was shown to be viscoelastic, and the elastic parameters of material behaviour were also determined. Under constant-velocity loading, material behaviour showed a nonlinear course of the stress-strain curve, also known as hysteresis. When loading was repeated several times, the maximum stress of the hysteresis decreased with each cycle. Determination of the deflection of the specimen at different velocities showed maximum stress to be dependent on the loading rate. The measured stress-strain curves were approximated by bilinear behaviour, permitting the use of finite element calculations. Also investigated was the failure behaviour of the periodontal ligament, which revealed tissue rupture to be inconstant.