Dielectric boundary force and its crucial role in gramicidin.

In an electrostatic problem with nonuniform geometry, a charge Q in one region induces surface charges [called dielectric boundary charges (DBC)] at boundaries between different dielectrics. These induced surface charges, in return, exert a force [called dielectric boundary force (DBF)] on the charge Q that induced them. The DBF is often overlooked. It is not present in standard continuum theories of (point) ions in or near membranes and proteins, such as Gouy-Chapman, Debye-Huckel, Poisson-Boltzmann or Poisson-Nernst- Planck. The DBF is important when a charge Q is near dielectric interfaces, for example, when ions permeate through protein channels embedded in biological membranes. In this paper, we define the DBF and calculate it explicitly for a planar dielectric wall and for a tunnel geometry resembling the ionic channel gramicidin. In general, we formulate the DBF in a form useful for continuum theories, namely, as a solution of a partial differential equation with boundary conditions. The DBF plays a crucial role in the permeation of ions through the gramicidin channel. A positive ion in the channel produces a DBF of opposite sign to that of the fixed charge force (FCF) produced by the permanent charge of the gramicidin polypeptide, and so the net force on the positive ion is reduced. A negative ion creates a DBF of the same sign as the FCF and so the net (repulsive) force on the negative ion is increased. Thus, a positive ion can permeate the channel, while a negative ion is excluded from it. In gramicidin, it is this balance between the FCF and DBF that allows only singly charged positive ions to move into and through the channel. The DBF is not directly responsible, however, for selectivity between the alkali metal ions (e.g., Li+, Na+, K+): we prove that the DBF on a mobile spherical ion is independent of the ion's radius.