Proceedings of the 11th communications and networking simulation symposium
Welcome to the 11th Communications and Networking Simulation (CNS) Symposium! Ever since the change of name (starting with 9th CNS), this annual event, as part of SpringSim, attracts an increasing variety of participants and papers. The latest trends in Communications Networking are discussed in this symposium. Participants from many countries from all over the world get the unique opportunity of touching bases with each other on what's up in the respective areas of research. It's all happening here.
Among many hallmarks of this year's symposium is the ns3 tutorial by one of the developers of ns3. This is probably the first time a tutorial on the latest version of ns3 is presented. The presenter, Professor George Riley of Georgia Tech, is the former Chair of the symposium and knows very well the expectations of the symposium participants. Besides the two-part tutorial, 30 papers have been selected through a peer-review process out of 47 submissions. The quality of most papers submitted was presentable; the top 30 were chosen for a final submission though. Accepted papers happen to be from all sectors; industry, academia and government. Historically CNS (formerly, Applied Telecommunication Symposium) was primarily for industrial research. Soon it became clear that much of the industrial research happens in academia these days. Therefore, by merely looking at the paper content, it is hard to tell whether the research has been carried out in industry, a university or a government laboratory.