The family interpreted : feminist theory in clinical practice

Part 1 Re-membering the family. Part 2 A feminist critique of eight approaches to family therapy: Nathan Ackerman - the patriarch's legacy Murray Bowen - the politics of rational man Virginia Satir - the limitations of humanism I Salvador Minuchin - the matter of functionalism Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy - the limitations of humanism II strategic family therapy - perfecting the unexamined life Carl Whitaker - playing with patriarchy Milan systemic therapy - the myth of mythlessness. Part 3 History and insight - toward a feminist theory of psychotherapy with families: the family in history - gender and structure in five types of families from antiquity to the present a critique of the cybernetic epistemology of Gregory Bateson psychoanalytic theory as a conceptual source for feminist psychotherapy with families. Part 4 Care and interpretation - toward a feminist practice of psychotherapy with families: the DeWitts - the case of a therapist in transition the McGinns - "irrational" mom and a method to madness the Johnsons - dreams, introjects, and the black family.