Histological and three dimensional organization of the odontogenic organ in the lower incisor of 100 gram rats.

A three dimensional reconstruction of the epithelial tissue at the apical end of the lower rat incisor was made from serial 1 mum thick cross sections. This tissue formed an elongated structure, called the odontogenic organ, which was composed of a bulbous and a "U"-shaped part. Both parts were joined to one another at the posterior aspect of the apical foramen. The bulbous part of the odontogenic organ was situated at the lingual side of the "U"-shaped part and protruded anteriorly over the pulp. It was formed by cells of the outer dental epithelium and stellate reticulum whose organization suggested that the bulbous part was important in the production of cells for renewal of all the epithelia of the incisor. The "U"-shaped part of the odontogenic organ was apparently derived from the bulbous part and delineated the pulp by forming the lateral, mesial and labial sidewalls around the apical foramen. It was composed of all the epithelial cell types recognizable as precursors to (a) cells of the enamel organ which form the enamel, and (b) Hertwig's epithelial root sheath, a part of the odontogenic organ which induces the formation of dentin on the lingual aspect of the incisor.

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