Assessment of CFC grades under thermal fatigue for the ITER inner vertical target

For plasma-facing components (PFCs), carbon-fiber composite (CFC) armor material should have specific technical requirements. CFCs must have good mechanical and thermal properties suitable for the PFC manufacturing process, in-service needs and inspection requirements. Inspection after manufacturing and thermal behaviour under thermal fatigue loads of PFCs made of different CFC grades (N31, NB31, N11, NB41, DMS814, DMS780, Dunlop 3D and SGL Sigrabond) were studied. After manufacturing, all the components satisfied the acceptance criteria, and components manufactured with CFCs with the same fibers in the x- and y-directions have a better heat removal capability than components manufactured with CFCs with fibers different in the x- and y-directions. High heat flux-tested components endured correctly the thermal cycling (up to 1000 cycles at 20 MW m−2) without water leakage, but for a few monoblock tiles, depending on the CFC grade, erosion was observed.