National Transportation Statistics 1996

National Transportation Statistics is a compendium of selected national transportation and transportation-related statistics from a wide variety of government and private sources. The data illustrate transportation activity for the major transportation modes - air, automobile, bus, truck, transit, rail, water, and pipeline. Basic descriptors such as operating revenues/expenses, number of vehicles and employees, vehicle- and passenger-miles, and passenger and freight operations, are included. The sections under "The State of Transportation" identify trends in transportation performance and safety. The sections under "Transportation and its Costs" illustrate the interrelationship between transportation and the economy. Transportation and energy consumption, intensiveness, transport, and supply and demand, as well as the effect transportation has on the environment, are shown in the sections under "Transportation, Energy, and the Environment". Additionally, selected preliminary statistics from the 1993 Commodity Flow Survey are presented under "Transportation - Special Focus". Summary statistics, in five year increments, are provided for the years 1960-1993 and for 1994, where available. In some instances, data extend back to 1955 and are forecast through 1998.