Sexual culture of gypsy population.

The number of the gypsy population in Bulgaria has increased with 85,419 persons for the period 1965-1992 that is higher than the prognosis made about a mean rate of increase of 2000 persons per year. The aim of the present study was to describe demographic changes and main problems of intrafamily planning of this population. The primary information was collected by the method of indirect individual inquiry as the opinion of 495 gypsy women at reproductive age was studied. Sexual behaviour of this ethnic group was analysed with the needs and social, economical and cultural status. The results have revealed particular patterns of the sexual behaviour about the beginning of early sexual relationships, use of modern contraceptive methods, number of abortions, etc. It should be noted that only about 61% from the gypsy women use any kind of contraceptive measures but irregularly. The mean number of abortions per woman was 2.41 and about 33% of women had undergone 3 and more abortions-on-demand. The low level of sexual culture and the lack of knowledge about the methods of contraception have led to early first births, high proportion of abortions-on-demand and high rate of increase of the population among gypsies. This may be explained by the life-style traditions of this ethnic group and their intention to the multi-child model of the family. We must emphasize the lack of modern information system for early warning, publicity and formation of sexual habits of this population.