Large-scale comparative analysis of microbial pan-genomes using PanOCT

Abstract Summary The JCVI pan-genome pipeline is a collection of programs to run PanOCT and tools that support and extend the capabilities of PanOCT. PanOCT (pan-genome ortholog clustering tool) is a tool for pan-genome analysis of closely related prokaryotic species or strains. The JCVI Pan-Genome Pipeline wrapper invokes command-line utilities that prepare input genomes, invoke third-party tools such as NCBI Blast+, run PanOCT, generate a consensus pan-genome, annotate features of the pan-genome, detect sets of genes of interest such as antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes and generate figures, tables and html pages to visualize the results. The pipeline can run in a hierarchical mode, lowering the RAM and compute resources used. Availability and implementation Source code, demo data, and detailed documentation are freely available at