Flood Prediction Model Simulation With Heterogeneous Trade-Offs In High Performance Computing Framework

In this paper, we propose a safety-critical system with a run-time resource management that is used to operate an application for flood monitoring and prediction. This application can run with different Quality of Service (QoS) levels depending on the current hydrometeorological situation. The system operation can follow two main scenarios standard or emergency operation. The standard operation is active when no disaster occurs, but the system still executes shortterm prediction simulations and monitors the state of the river discharge and precipitation intensity. Emergency operation is active when some emergency situation is detected or predicted by the simulations. The resource allocation can either be used for decreasing power consumption and minimizing needed resources in standard operation, or for increasing the precision and decreasing response times in emergency operation. This paper shows that it is possible to describe different optimal points at design time and use them to adapt to the current quality of service requirements during run-time.