Industrial hemp: A critical review of claimed potentials for Cannabis sativa

In recent years, hemp (Cannabis sativa) has received a great deal of attention in the United States and abroad. Around the world, C. sativa has been and is being used for numerous industrial and commercial applications, including pulp and paper, building materials, textiles, cosmetics, food products, and nutritional supplements. However, there has been tremendous hype surrounding the environmental benefits of using C. sativa vs. traditional raw materials. This paper aims to dispel the hype by investigating several claims that have been made regarding the potentials of industrial hemp : its cultivation requirements, its use as a biomass fuel, its use as seeds and oil for human nutrition, and particularly its use as a wood alternative. A review of some of the current and traditional pulping techniques for Cannabis sativa is provided. Application : Cannabis sativa demonstrates the greatest economic potential if grown for its seeds while utilizing the stems and fibers as a residual agricultural product.