Functional Technical Specifications for the Setup of Labor Market Observatory (LMO) Information Services

The purpose of this document is to: set the business goals to be achieved by the realization of an LMO IT infrastructure to enable the provision of effective information services through the LMO; layout the system concept for the LMO Information Services (IS); describe the system architecture and the functional and technical requirements for the LMO IS that will feed data from various sources (administrative data from the NEA MIS, tracer and other studies done in education sector, household and firm surveys, job vacancy data, tax administration data, etc.) and provide digested information to the end-users; provide suggestions on the functional scope and content of a web portal and interface which will be the key channel for the LMO to provide information services; and provide a roadmap for the implementation of the LMO IS. Annexes contain a list of the first products expected by the LMO, a list of existing data sources directly or indirectly related to the labor market in Moldova, as well as supporting technical analysis.