[Identification studies of wild and cultivated Rhodiola saccharinensis A. Bor and Rhodiola angusta Nakai taken from Changbai Mountains by Fourier transform infrared spectrometry].
The petroleum ether, chloroform, and methyl alcohol extracts of wild and cultivated Rhodiola saccharinensis A. Bor and Rhodila angusta Nakai taken from Changbai Mountains, and obtained by the same isolation procedure, were for the first time studied with Fourier transform infrared spectrometry(FTIR), and the spectra obtained were compared with those of a sort of goods named Rhodiola Cake (Hong Jing Tian Kuai). It was shown that the infrared spectra of the wild and cultivated Rhodiola saccharinensis A. Bor and Rhodila angusta Nakai are different, which can be used to determine and evaluate their respective species.