Statistics with vague data

1 Introduction.- 2 Vague Data.- 3 Fuzzy Sets of the Real Line.- 4 Operations on Fuzzy Sets.- 4.1 Set Theoretical Operations.- 4.2 On Zadeh's Extension Principle.- 4.3 Arithmetic Operations.- 5 Representation of Vague Data in a Digital Computer.- 6 Topological Properties of Fuzzy Set Spaces.- 7 Random Sets and Fuzzy Random Variables.- 8 Descriptive Statistics with Vague Data.- 8.1 Expected Value.- 8.2 Variance.- 8.3 Empirical Distribution Function.- 9 Distribution Functions and i.i.d.-Sequences of Random Variables.- 10 Limit Theorems.- 10.1 Strong Law of Large Numbers.- 10.2 Consistent Estimators in the Finite Case.- 10.3 Gliwenko-Cantelli Theorem.- 10.4 Related Results.- 11 Some Aspects of Statistical Inference.- 11.1 Parametric Point Estimation.- 11.2 Confidence Estimation.- 11.3 The Testing of Hypotheses.- 12 On a Software Tool for Statistics with Vague Data.- 12.1 Linguistic Modelling.- 12.2 Linguistic Approximation.- 12.3 Examples.- References.- List of Symbols.