Evaluación de las competencias digitales autopercibidas del profesorado de Educación Primaria en Castilla y León (España)

This article presents some results of a broader research that conducts a diagnostic study on self-perception of Primary School Teachers of Castilla-Leon about their digital skills. Firstly, it is presented a theoretical analysis of these competencies and their development among Teachers from different fields. Secondly, we expose the methodological part of the study, presenting data set corresponding to the block II of the questionnaire: Teachers´ self-perception on digital competences, with technical guarantees of proven reliability and validity. According to the validation process, it is confirmed that the scale used is valid and reliable. The sample consists of 63 Primary Education Teachers of Castilla and Leon, from 9 rural and urban schools, belonging to 8 provinces. The selection of variables and the construction of items have been made reviewing the last international assessments in the field of digital skills. Finally, the comprehensive statistical analysis of the results reflects a lack of digital skills for pedagogical use, which implies to rethink the Teacher’s training policies in this field.