ALiSE: Through the mirrored space, and what user interacts with avatars naturally

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) interfaces, such as a conventional head-mounted display (HMD), have the problem of being unable to share the content experience with people who are not wearing the device. To solve this problem, we focus on AR mirrors and propose ALiSE (Augmented Layer Interweaved Semi-Reflecting Existence)—a display that displays images in a mirrored space using half-mirrors and gaps. We compared the service quality of this device with that of an ordinary display and an HMD. As a result, we were able to confirm the superiority of the ALiSE over conventional displays in several items. The results suggest that the connection generated between the service provider and the user using ALiSE is equivalent to the experience in VR. In other words, our proposed display method can provide the same level of satisfaction as the services provided in the conventional VR space. In addition, it is possible to share the content experience with accessibility equivalent to observing digital signage without wearing an HMD.