Next generation storage technology in magnetic and optical recording system

Recently, in the magnetic recording, head assisted magnetic recording (HAMR) and patterned media (PM) technology have been considered as strong candidates to achieve the high recording density beyond the super-paramagnetic limit. Using E-beam recording (EBR) and UV nano-imprinting, the PM with nano-scale pitches and tracks is fabricated effectively and delicately. And the optical throughput of the HARM system is improved by optimizing the grating and the media geometry. In the optical storage, next generation technologies are the near filed recording (NFR) and the holographic recording. The modified NFR gap servo mechanism is developed and clearance of 30nm is uniformly maintained. In addition, the anti-shock servo algorithm resists against the external shock of over 2G@10ms. The advanced holographic system compensates the errors from disturbance by finding the max intensity angle with back propagation algorithm for angle direction and shifting the reference beam with glass plate controlled by a servo motor for fractal direction.