Canadian Association of Gastroenterology Clinical Practice Guidelines: the use of infliximab in Crohn's disease.

Remo Panaccione MD (Co-Chair)1, Richard N Fedorak MD (Co-Chair)2, Guy Aumais MD3, Charles N Bernstein MD4, Alain Bitton MD5, Ken Croitoru MD6, Robert Enns MD7, Brian Feagan MD8, Marty Fishman MD7*, Gordon Greenberg MD9, Anne Griffiths MD9, John K Marshall MD6*, Imran Rasul MD10*, Daniel Sadowski MD2*, Ernest Seidman MD11, Hillary Steinhart MD9, Lloyd Sutherland MD1, Eric Walli MD12*, Gary Wild MD5, C Noel Williams MD2, Mary Zachos MD9

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