Design of a prototype of a smart noise monitoring system

The paper describes the new smart noise monitoring system designed and implemented into the project named LIFE15 ENV/IT/000586 "Methodologies fOr Noise low emission Zones introduction And management" (LIFE MONZA). The prototype system has been d signed keeping in mind the state of the art system and the monitoring needs of the LIFE MONZA project. The designed system can be considered as a prototy pe according to the necessary customization in the des igning of connections among the hardware components and in the definition of protocols to manage and post p rocess of collected data. The prototype is expected to undergo quite a long testing phase (up to five years) during and after the LIFE MONZA project duration. I this paper, some details related to the designed network are reported. In particular, a detailed definition of the hardware components and specs, the transmitting dat a techniques, the specifications necessary to colle ct raw data are described. Furthermore some new procedures to periodically check the noise monitoring system performance are proposed.