Multiple Communication in Multihop Radio Networks

Two tasks of communication in a multihop synchronous radio network are considered: Point-to-point communication and broadcast (sending a message to all nodes of a network). Efficient protocols for both problems are presented. Even though the protocols are probabilistic, it is shown how to acknowledge messages deterministically.Let n, D, and $\Delta $ be the number of nodes, the diameter and the maximum degree of our network, respectively. Both protocols require a setup phase in which a BFS tree is constructed. This phase takes $O((n + D\log n)\log \Delta )$ time.After the setup, k point-to-point transmissions require $O((k + D)\log \Delta )$ time on the average. Therefore the network allows a new transmission every $O(\log \Delta )$ time slots. Also, k broadcasts require an average of $O((k + D)\log \Delta \log n)$ time. Hence the average throughput of the network is a broadcast every $O(\log \Delta \log n)$ time slots. Both protocols pipeline the messages along the BFS tree. They are always successful on...