Tube flow of human blood at near zero shear.

Pressure-velocity relations were obtained in vertical and horizontal glass tubes (I.D. 26 to 83 micron) perfused with normal human blood at feed hematocrits between 0.25 and 0.65. Perfusion pressures used corresponded to wall shear stresses up to 0.27 dyn cm-2. Red cell velocity measurements were made both immediately following implementation of perfusion pressure (with red cells still disaggregated) and in a steady state situation (with red cells aggregated). Analysis of the slopes of the linear relations between perfusion pressure and velocity showed apparent viscosity to decrease with the manifestation of red cell aggregation. In horizontal tubes, sedimentation and aggregation occurred simultaneously, and apparent viscosity increased due to axial asymmetry of cell concentration. Evidence for a yield shear stress (flow stagnation at positive driving pressure) was not observed.