Universal Design of a Cursor for the Learners with Visual Impairment

In order to narrow the learning divide, mobile learning should be provided to handicapped learners, especially to learners with visual impairment. However, in spite of development of the resolution and screen size of mobile devices, there are still many inconvenient factors. Among recent studies, there is a Proposal of Ahmed Rana and Four Startup Screen operates in mobile devices with touch screen. Although Proposal of Ahmed Rana gives magnified virtual key-board and startup screen, and Four Startup Screen reduce complexity of menu structure, it is not good enough for learners with visual impairment in mobile learning environment. In this paper, we have proposed universal design of a cursor for mobile learners with visual impairment. First of all, our cursor has been designed to separate objects under a magnifying glass on the rim of the cursor. Secondly, the cursor has four kinds of startup screens in order to reduce repetitive moving. Thirdly, by dragging the cursor to the border of the screen, entire screen perform the magnifier. Universal design of a cursor can help mobile learners with visual impairment to more easily read documents consisting of text and to look video. For performance evaluation, our cursor is easy to select a character and easy to reduce of repetitive moving and depth of the hierarchical menu structure than the Four Startup Screen and the proposed method of Ahmed Rana. Consequently, universal design of cursor improves the performance of the input tool for learners with visual impairment in e-learning environment using small size mobile devices screen.