Identity Providers-as-a-Service built as Cloud-of-Clouds: challenges and opportunities

Abstract—In our previous work we designed and evaluatedthe feasibility of highly secure and dependable identity providers(IdPs) for the increasing requirements of future IT infrastruc-tures. In this position paper we extend our previous workby analyzing and discussing the benefits of deploying highlysecure and dependable identity providers-as-a-service (IdP-as-a-Service), without compromising the confidentiality of sensitivedata and operations. In order to achieve this goal, we discusssome of the forefront challenges of deploying IdP-as-a-Serviceas a cloud-of-clouds model to ensure important properties suchas the resistance against different types of threats and attacks,arbitrary faults, and make it more realistic to improve the systemavailability up to the three-nines mark. Notwithstanding, the mainopportunities towards IdP-as-a-Service are also analyzed. Wefinish the paper proposing a sustainable business model basedon our previous deployments and results, showing that it can bea win-win opportunity, i.e., both IdP-as-a-Service providers andcustomers can benefit from it.Keywords—identity providers, IdP-as-a-Service, business modeland opportunities, security, dependability, high availability, cloudproviders, multi-cloud, telco cloud, hybrid cloud.

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