The classical trajectories are investigated for a particle with an anisotropic mass tensor in an ordinary Coulomb potential. For negative energies (bound states) these trajectories are isomorphic with the geodesics on a Riemannian surface which can be immersed in a Euclidean space and which looks like a ``double snail.'' For vanishing energy (or near a collision) the equations of motion can be reduced to an autonomous system whose trajectories can be fully discussed. On the basis of extensive numerical computations, it has been possible to give a simple, yet complete description of all trajectories with negative energy. A binary sequence is associated with any trajectory where each term gives the sign of the position coordinate for the consecutive intersections with the ``heavy'' axis. If the binary sequence is represented by two real numbers, a one‐to‐one and continuous map from them to the initial conditions can be constructed. Thus, the Poincare map for the trajectories is equivalent with a shift of th...
E. Artin.
Ein mechanisches system mit quasiergodischen bahnen
J. Moser,et al.
Regularization of kepler's problem and the averaging method on a manifold
V. I. Arnolʹd,et al.
Ergodic problems of classical mechanics
V. Szebehely,et al.
Theory of Orbits: The Restricted Problem of Three Bodies
C. Siegel,et al.
Vorlesungen über Himmelsmechanik
M. Gutzwiller,et al.
Energy Spectrum According to Classical Mechanics