Let Σ be a finite alphabet, Σ* the free monoid generated by Σ and |x| the length of x e Σ*. For any integer k ≥ 0, fk(x)(tk (x)) is x if |x| ≪ k+1, and it is the prefix (suffix) of x of length k, otherwise. Also let mk+1 (x) = {v|x = uvw and |v| = k+1}. For x,y e Σ* define x ∼k+1y iff fk(x) = fk(y), tk(x) = tk(y) and mk+1(x) = mk+1 (y). The relation ∼k+1 is a congruence of finite index over Σ*. An event E ⊆ Σ*. is (k+1)-testable iff it is a union of congruence classes of ∼k+1. E is locally testable (LT) if it is k+1-testable for some k. (This definition differs from that of [MP] but is equivalent.) We show that the family of LT events is a proper sub-family of star-free events of dot-depth 1. LT events and k-testable events are characterized in terms of (a) restricted star-free expressions based on finite and cofinite events, (b) finite automata accepting these events, (c) semigroups, and (d) structural decomposition of such automata. Algorithms are given for deciding whether a regular event is (a) LT and (b) k+1-testable. Generalized definite events are also characterized.
Robert McNaughton,et al.
Counter-Free Automata (M.I.T. research monograph no. 65)
Janusz A. Brzozowski,et al.
Dot-Depth of Star-Free Events
Journal of computer and system sciences (Print).
Yechezkel Zalcstein,et al.
Locally Testable Languages
J. Comput. Syst. Sci..
Micha A. Perles,et al.
The Theory of Definite Automata
IEEE Trans. Electron. Comput..
S C Kleene,et al.
Representation of Events in Nerve Nets and Finite Automata
J. Brzozowski.
Canonical regular expressions and minimal state graphs for definite events
Abraham Ginzburg,et al.
About Some Properties of Definite, Reverse-Definite and Related Automata
IEEE Trans. Electron. Comput..
R. McNaughton,et al.
Counter-Free Automata
Abraham Ginzburg,et al.
Algebraic theory of automata