Receptors in the Human Nervous System
Perspectives on receptor autoradiography and human brain, M.J.Kuhan benzodiazepine, gaba and glutamate receptors in cerebral cortext, hippocampus, basal ganglia and cerebellum, A.B.Young and J.B.Penny acetylocholine, serotonin and b-adrenoceptors, A.Beigon multiple serotonin receptors, A.Pazos et al distribution of multiple opioid receptors, R.Quirion and C.Pilapil angiotensin II receptors, A.M.Allen et al angiotensin converting enzyme, S.Y.Chai et al co-distribution of receptors in the cerebral cortex, K.Zilles receptors in the spinal cord, R.L.M.Faull et al.