Position Reporting Frequency for Location-Based Services

Position reporting frequency (PRF) is one of the crucial quality of service (QoS) parameters for every location-based service (LBS). When set properly, it provides a reasonably good description of a spatial distribution of LBS-related object. In an ideal case, every LBS-related object (end-user, vehicle, etc.) would immediately report every change in its position. That kind of reporting, however, would lead to significant overburdening of the positioning server and the communication channel. To overcome the problems of an ideal reporting scheme, but also maintain good spatial awareness of the LBS-related object, requirements for PRF should be optimised in relation to both, the available resources and the solution performance. This article presents a case-related approach for PRF requirements determination. Three paradigms of LBS solutions were chosen and set of parameters that determine PRF requirements established. Presented parameters can be used as the general guidance in more detailed definition of the position reporting frequency for LBS