Generating method and system of three-dimensional simulation training case of power grid substation

The present invention relates to digital data processing, and more particularly to a method and system for generating three-dimensional simulation of the distribution substation training cases. Generating method comprising: generating a training case including an initial state and operating procedures substation list; update training cases the initial state in the initial state of the received user substation substation; generating a three-dimensional simulation scenario, a user sequentially receives a plurality of steps, and in accordance with the received the user operates the step of updating the list of training case steps; training cases stored to the updated three-dimensional simulation training system. Three-dimensional simulation training cases the distribution substation generating method, according to the requirements of the training cases, create a training case, the three-dimensional simulation system via a state of the substation is provided and an exemplary operation, data is automatically generated lesson plans cases, no need for three-dimensional animation again , manually edit the configuration file or modify the system of training program, effectively reducing the workload generated by the case.