Description: Federation representing the pharmaceutical industry operating in Europe. Through its direct membership of 33 national associations and 40 leading pharmaceutical companies, it is the voice on the EU scene of 1,900 companies committed to researching, developing and manufacturing new medical treatments. In addition, it is active in partnering in EU Research programmes, such as the IMI (Innovative Medicines Initiative), Europe's largest public-private partnerships. They also work on corporate social responsibility initiatives with others healthcare stakeholders, such as patient groups and healthcare professionals. EFPIA has specialized committees and task forces focused on key areas of activity. EFPIA also includes two specialized groups focusing on vaccines and biotechnology, respectively: * Vaccines Europe (formerly European Vaccine Manufacturers, EVM) produces approximately 80% of vaccines used worldwide * European Biopharmaceutical Enterprises (EBE) harness biotechnology to develop approximately onefifth of new medicines
Iñaki Soto-Rey,et al.
User Satisfaction Evaluation of the EHR4CR Query Builder: A Multisite Patient Count Cohort System
BioMed research international.
Johan Borg,et al.
A lab-on-a-chip for hypoxic patch clamp measurements combined with optical tweezers and spectroscopy- first investigations of single biological cells
Biomedical engineering online.
M. Shuler,et al.
Tissue Factor-Expressing Tumor Cells Can Bind to Immobilized Recombinant Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor under Static and Shear Conditions In Vitro
PloS one.
P. Obexer,et al.
Endothelial cells from cord blood CD133+CD34+ progenitors share phenotypic, functional and gene expression profile similarities with lymphatics
Journal of cellular and molecular medicine.