Challenging to graduate engineering education is extraordinary. Engineering schools must prepare PhD students to work in transnational settings, with scientists and researchers located across the globe, in order to increase the world's capacity for solving global problems and meeting human needs. This paper presents an innovative project, financed by the European Union, that aims at promoting quality research in aeronautics and global PhD education by fostering and financing Doctoral (PhD) level research, involving the participation of leading universities, research centres and the Air Traffic Management industry, through a collaborative research Network called HALA!. The paper presents the educational benefits of this innovative initiative stating how the network is structure and managed, the main activities carried out within the network to develop PhD excellence and the main results achieved so far.
Maresi Nerad,et al.
Toward a Global PhD?: Forces and Forms in Doctoral Education Worldwide
B. Tress,et al.
PhD students and integrative research
Margaret Kiley,et al.
Quality in Postgraduate Research: Knowledge creation in testing times Part 2
Ulrich Teichler,et al.
Higher Education, Research and Innovation: Changing Dynamics
Ulrich Teichler,et al.
Universities as centres of research and knowledge creation : an endangered species?
Ulrich Teichler,et al.
Higher education, research and innovation, changing dynamics: report on the UNESCO forum on higher education research and knowledge, 2001 - 2009.