유산균 제품(유가공, 육가공 및 건강기능식품 등)의안전관리통합인증제도 도입 및 발전방안
HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) has been receiving a worldwide recognition as a scientific andsystemic sanitary management technology in the food safety. At present, mandatory HACCP for dairy products is appliedin dairy processing plants and milk collection stage, while it is not applied in dairy farm and transportation. Therefore, it isrequired to establish HACCP application in all dairy industrial areas. The purpose of this study is to suggest an effectiveapproach to implement HACCP chain system in domestic dairy products. Most lactic acid bacteria has been useful toimprove gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea, constipation and reduce colon cancer risk and hydrocholesterol inKorea. The Ministry of Food and Drug Safety has increasingly applied the HACCP-chain system to secure the safety oflivestock products. Therefore, we suggest for the introduction of HACCP chain system in the dairy industry as follows.First, the system needs political support to activate. Second, the enterprise needs to recognize that it is essential system inan era of a consumer. Third, it should be utilized as an effective tool to enhance a brand value in the market. If there areobstacles in the implementation process for dairy products, governments, academia and relevant institutions should resolvea dispute together, which might enhance the level of livestock processing industry and hygiene safety management.