노화처리된 고추종자의 저장성분 누출과 priming 처리가 종자활력 증진에 미치는 영향
Quantity of protein, amino acid, and sugar leaked from seeds was greater as the viability of seeds was dropped by the time elapsed of seed aging treatment. In the seeds with the artificial aging treatment for 20 days, 35.8 ㎎ of protein was leaked on the 4th day after soaking, which was 6.9 times higher than that of control. Leakage of amino acid was also higher from low quality seeds treated with the aging treatment. In the seeds with the aging treatment for 20 days, 36.5 ㎍ of sugar was leaked on the 4th day after soaking, which was 2.8 times higher than that of control. The leakage of inorganic compound was higher from the low quality seeds, and leakage of total inorganic compound was relatively lower than that of protein, amino acid, and sugar. According to the quantity of leakage, water soluble compounds, which can be used for the assessment of seed quality without any destruction, were protein and potassium. Germination rate and percentage of seeds were dropped with the seed aging treatment, and the seed viability could be recovered by priming treatment. This phenomenon was very clear when the low quality seeds were germinated at low temperature.
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